Double-Entry 1904 (mallas)
City Lights Gallery
Bridgeport, Connecticut
September to October, 2019
The title of the piece makes reference to accounting systems. The grid is made from paper receipts collected over time and sewn together. The work is installed on a folded position with one grid hanging on top of the other.
Paper receipts, thread & grommets
29 x 41 (width x length)

Artists Alliance
Lower East Side, New York

By The River (Angel Falls)
Bronx Museum, New York
The Fourth AIM Biennial
July - October 2017
Part self-portrait, part journal, this soft sculpture was made from traditional paper receipts saved over time. The receipts were sewn together in one continuous line that twists and turns giving the work its fluid shape.
Conceived as a drawing, the analogue and material nature of the work speaks about financial data and its cumulative weight.
Gravity plays an important role as the work hangs from a single hook that holds the piece together from its head.
The title of the piece is taken from one of the chapters of “Siddhartha” by Herman Hesse. The subtitle pays homage to the world's highest uninterrupted waterfall.

Bright & Hollow
Everything was made for you and me
Rooster Gallery
Lower East Side, New York

vellum paper, sumi ink, tulle and thread
Breaking II
Brooklyn Fire Proof, Bushwick
Brooklyn, NYC
Hanged unconventionally in the corner of the gallery, the work is an allegory to Hip Hop and the dance movement born in the Bronx in 1973. Each of the 73 triangles encapsulates random amounts of music recordings in the form of cassette tape. The bold black lines randomly tangle and move inside the triangles reminding us of the relationship between chaos and order. The work connects music, mathematics, movement and space.
Vellum paper, cassette tape, tulle, thread
Variable dimensions (approx. 6 f. x 8 f.)
73 Isosceles triangles
each measuring 10 inches at the base and 5 ½ inches high